In the Eyekon Library: Designing Interactions

eyekon digital craft
2 min readMar 24, 2021

Have you always wanted to travel back in history, to a time when many of the things we consider now normal were first dreamed of and developed? Then we recommend the book “Designing Interactions” by Bill Moggridge, a pioneer of Interaction Design and co-founder of IDEO, and one of the first to include a user-oriented perspective in the design of software and hardware.

Written by Dominik Szakacs, Interaction Designer at Eyekon

Vector illustration of Designing Interactions book cover

Back to the Past

As a digital agency, we find it important not only to understand digital technologies as they exist in the current moment, but also to know their history and development. Complete context enables us to provide innovative and sustainable solutions for our clients in the near and distant future.

Historical knowledge creates an awareness and appreciation for the fact that many things we now take for granted, were different in the past. In order to understand, learn and then ideally be able to create something better, the evolution of design is an important success factor for innovation.

“Only those who know the past can understand the present and shape the future.” August Bebel (1840–1913)

The Birth of Interaction Design

Over the past four decades, interaction designers have made a lasting difference to the daily lives of billions of people. Just as industrial designers have shaped our everyday lives with the design of products, interaction designers are shaping our lives with the design and enabling of digital interactions that have become indispensable. “Designing Interactions” deals with the beginnings of this still relatively young design discipline, and lets forty influential designers share their perspectives. Bill Moggridge takes us through the genesis of his own design process, shows the connection between human needs and innovative design, and discusses the advantage of prototyping methods.

This book is a fascinating, stimulating and insightful anthology that provides an overview of the origins of the term interaction design, the development of interactive devices and services, and even methods and processes of interaction design.

Learn more about Designing Interactions here, and feel free to share your book recommendations with us. Happy reading!



eyekon digital craft

Zurich based digital agency for innovation and design. Learn more about us: // social @eyekon_lab